Among the extraordinary historical and artistic endowment of Siena, one hidden pearl retains the memory of the seventeen communities: the Contrada museums.The Museum of Contrada Priora della Civetta situated in Castellare degli Ugurgieri, near Piazza del Campo (Campo Square), is the material and symbolic heart of the community: it has 400 square meters exhibition surface and its role is twofold.It is used tostore the Contrada's historical and artistic heritage and to house general meetings and encounters during the year.Together with Palii, many works of art are exposed and also historical silk flags. Moreover there are several 'monture' – costumes used during celebrations – and the marble Lupa, originally situated at the column top in Tolomei Square.In the underground floor, there is a majolica collection (XIII-XVIII century), comprised with archaeological finds came back to light during a more seven meters deep well excavation.This app provides off-line access to works stored in the Museum. It was developed by the high school students of I.I.S. Sarrocchi of Siena in a joint project with the Contrada ICT group. The involved class is 4E Liceo Scientifico delle Scienze Applicate year 2015/16.
Provided features includes: - list of works and their locations in a museum map; - detailed description of each work with descriptive images; - a QrCode scan system that allows immediate information retrieval as each work exposes its own code; - text language and font-size selection; - a glossary of specific terms and words used in the Palio vocabulary.